Lara’s first colon cleansing with suppositories and enemas for losing weight

video-length: 14,05 min.

Lara wants to lose weight! Lara’s friend helps her with her first colon cleansing. At the beginning, her friend measures Lara’s rectal temperature. Then Lara gets a 3 gram glycerin laxative suppository. Lara then directly receives her first enema to help the suppository in the gut. It is a high inlet with a thick and long intestinal tube. Due to the glycerin Abführzäpfchen, the enema works immediately. Lara’s intestine begins to work immediately during the run-in. Lara has the guts full of alleys. That’s why Lara already presses in during the enema, and Furzt parts of the inlet pass the intestinal tube. Before the visit to the toilet, Lara therefore gets another 3 grams of Glycerin Abführzäpfchen. Lara then gets another enema. This enema is administered to her with a balloon tube. Through the many alleyways that are still in Lara’s bowels, Lara even squeezes the ballon tube out of her anus. Lara may then go to the bathroom again to eliminate more remains of excrement and lanes. In Lara’s intestine, the remnants of the enemas and the glycerin suppositories continue working even after the toilet has been visited. In order to take care of Lara’s anus, her boyfriend gives her a nursing suppository. This care suppository is an anal tampon. This anal tampon is fixed with a ribbon in the anus. The foreign body feeling of anal tampon, Lara does not want. She still has too much pressure in the gut. That’s why her friend remove the anal tampon from her anus. We are grateful for these very private shots. We wish you a lot of fun with Lara’s first colon cleansing with glycerine suppositories and enemas.
